Medicare released the final rule for changes to the physician fee schedule for 2025. For next year it includes several new codes as well as updated and new information on old codes. These will be discussed based on the information found in the final rule that was released in early November. There were several areas of telehealth that were discussed in the final rule including supervision via audio/video and audio only methods. Certain codes that are eligible for telehealth use have received levels of supervision on a permanent basis. Other areas that will see the requirements for supervision change is for private practice physical therapists for their PTA and OTA. The complexity add on code that was made available for payment in 2024 has some updated guidelines and now a sister type code in a complexity code for specialty trained infectious disease physicians. An overview of information on new codes for Caregiver Training and Advanced Primary Care Management Services will be shared.
Webinar Objectives
New codes for Caregiver Training have been created by Medicare – offices need to know how the codes are intended to be utilized as far as whom is being trained and who can bill for the services. The Public Health Emergency ended but several waivers and flexibilities are still in effect in 2024. Which will be in effect in 2025 and which are being made permanent. What do we know about telehealth in 2025 and beyond as far as the use of audio/video supervision and teaching physicians?
Practices need to understand what the new Atherosclerotic Cardiovascular Disease (ASCVD) risk assessment service and risk management services are and what guidelines accompany them. Medicare’s strategies for improving global surgery payment accuracy will be discussed
Webinar Agenda
- Changes and updates to telehealth services
- Supervision updates and changes in several areas of codes including telehealth, teaching physicians, PTA and OTA and NPPs
- Complexity codes updates to the old code and information on the new one
- Information on Advanced Care Management Services
- New risk assessment and risk management services
- Other information on new codes along with new and revised guidelines
Webinar Highlights
- Caregiver training – new code information
- Complexity code –G2211 – updated guidelines
- Complexity code for infectious disease physicians – new code information
- Telehealth – updated information
- Advanced Primary Care Management Services (APCM) –new code information
- Atherosclerotic Cardiovascular Disease (ADCVD) risk assessment service and risk management services
- Global surgery – updated payment accuracy
- Changes in supervision by physical therapists in private practice
Who Should Attend?
Coders, billers, office managers, medical administrators
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