We all know the importance of every customer-facing team member having a basic knowledge of fair housing compliance yet are we REALLY preparing them for prime time? One wrong word or action -even if unintentional – can end up costing tens of thousands of dollars.

“Check the box” training for new team members is a waste of time and money and simply doesn’t work. Forget about generational distinctions for onboarding – everyone has a short attention span and a multi-tasking mind. Factor in the increasingly popular practice of recruiting outside our industry – “Hire for attitude, train for skill” – and it’s clear that we must create filter out content that is nice, but not necessary for the new team member and present it in an engaging manner.

Since that obviously can’t be covered in 60 minutes, this session will focus on what is “need to know” and what is “nice to know” for the new team member. We’ll look at how to answer the most commonly asked questions about a community and it’s residents and we’ll discuss the best ways to avoid fair housing compliance pitfalls. Fair Housing Compliance today is as much about risk management as it is about doing the right thing, so join us for some risk reduction strategies you can implement immediately!

Webinar Objectives
  • Ensure awareness of the basic requirements of fair housing compliance, regardless of team member’s title or position.
  • Understand why policies and procedures must be followed and enforced in order to support compliance.
  • Review the types of documentation typically requested or required in the most commonly encountered fair housing-related interactions.
  • Review best practices necessary to minimize the possibility of being named in a fair housing compliant or lawsuit and strategies to ensure consistent application.
  • Learn the use of “scripted answers” to questions typically asked of staff members.
Webinar Highlights
  • What is Fair Housing Compliance?
  • What are Protected Classes?
  • The Two Types of Illegal Discrimination
  • Disability, Accommodations & Modifications Basics
  • Assistive Animals and Parking
  • Occupancy Standards & Familial Status
  • Criminal Background Checks
  • The Expanded Definition of Sex
  • Limited English Proficiency (LEP) & National Origin
  • Customer Experience
  •  The Most Common Fair Housing Compliance Pitfalls
Who Should Attend?

On-site and multi-site personnel including Regional/Area Managers, Community Managers, Leasing Managers, Maintenance/Service Managers/Supervisors, Training and HR Professionals.